The Big Creek Greenway

It has been 2 weeks that the sun didn’t shine & rain showers didn’t stop. But today surprisingly sun came up, the earth thawed & it was warmer again. The cherry blossom on branches is almost fading while the trees are turning green.

Welcome Spring, please stay with us forever. Only who knew the importance of Sun knows that the everything under the Sun looks in tune but the Sun is eclipsed by the moon. A derivation by Pink Floyed and I hope that everyone will agree with them.


In order to feel the welcoming warmth of Spring and Sun, we went to a nearby creek with girls. The Big Creek Greenway is a concrete and board trail that runs right from our apartment crossing and opens up to the city.


The trail appeared to be sparse with no leaves and barren fields and I wonder by end of the spring it will become completely dense and massed.  May be due to this condition there were so many bikers, sketers and hikers crowding it. It was still a natural habitat and I could see wild birds and squirrels.20140402-220646.jpg

On the way, we spotted deers grazing; we silently watched them in the calmness of evening and our beloved Sun setting.

Aww look at the cute deer posing for the frame.


We returned halfway but planned to have a weekend biking trip and explore remaining trail.







Published by sonalisangle

I Dream.Believe.Create.Succeed and I have life on my mind...Midst finding purpose of human existence...

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